Monday, November 14, 2016

"A Republic, if you can keep it."

We are very concerned about the known attitudes of those that reportedly will become part of Trump's cabinet, including Steve Bannon, David Clarke, Rudy Giuliani and other extreme right-wing individuals who play a very large part in disseminating divisive opinions in conservative TV, radio, and Internet media. This, along with former Fox News president Roger Ailes, who operates quietly from the sidelines, is very concerning. We fear that there may be heavy consequences for peaceful protests. The Internet clearly shows that these people openly advocate the elimination or privatization of Social Security, Planned Parenthood, Medicare, Consumer Protection, and more. 

Though the new administration claims to represent the "disenfranchised", we feel that Benjamin Franklin's admonishment is becoming reality: He was asked at the close of the Constitutional Convention of 1787, “Well, Doctor, what have we got—a Republic or a Monarchy?”

“A Republic, if you can keep it.”

We see serious danger ahead. Trump’s recent interview on 60-Minutes reminds us of what the press was saying about Hitler’s talks in the early 1930s when media told the world not to worry…that these were merely words.

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Let the World Rise

We have been the playthings and tools of powerful interests over the millennia...patriarchal authoritarianism in religion, cultures, traditions, institutions, education, militarism...indoctrination from generation to generation to think “anointed leaders” have our best interests at heart. It's a good way to manipulate our thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors.  But I do believe that we are finally waking up enough to break through this. Our minds are beginning to open. And our souls are coming through. Let the world rise.

The Makatok